How to Prepare Your House for Winter

DiBiase Mascot

Ask some people, and they’ll tell you that preparing for winter is some sort of mental process one goes through to land safely in a world of accepting things we can’t control.

While that may very well be the case, there’s a lot more to winter preparation, and it starts at great homes like yours throughout the Greater Philadelphia area.

So come on, join the party, and see what you can do to make the most of a winter season spent mostly indoors.

Adding insulation to pipes and to your water heater saves you money, and could prevent pipes from freezing in the cold weather. Add insulation around pipes that run on an exterior wall. And, by covering your water heater with a blanket manufactured for that purpose, you’ll spend less money keeping your water heated.

Programmable thermostat: Simply replacing one older style thermostat with a digital, programmable model can help you shave up to 3% and more off your home heating costs. And the best part is, you’ll experience no loss of comfort. For the ultimate in energy savings, ask about a programmable thermostat with remote Wi-Fi access, the kind that enables you to remotely change your temperature settings should your schedule change first.

Declutter and donate: It’s so easy when the weather is warm to postpone cleaning out closets and drawers. But with the advent of shorter days, longer nights, and colder temperatures, you’ve more or less run out of excuses. Plus, we’re approaching the holiday season, so much of the stuff you might consider not worthy of keeping would prove to be very welcome donations to those in need.

Big and small painting projects: Winter is also a great time to catch up on your painting. First, you’re less apt to feel like you could be doing something else, something a little more fun. More practically, the paint dries quickly and more evenly when you have heat flowing through your house. Just make sure the room or area you’re painting is well-ventilated.

Do you know what each of these projects assumes? That your heating system is working just fine. And yet you could be making the mistake to take that for granted. So, to increase the odds of that being so, contact DiBiase Heating & Cooling to request our heating system preventative maintenance service. Once completed, you’ll benefit from your system’s improved performance, lower utility costs, cleaner indoor air, and more.