How to Prepare Your House for Winter

DiBiase Mascot

Ask some people, and they’ll tell you that preparing for winter is some sort of mental process one goes through to land safely in a world of accepting things we can’t control.

While that may very well be the case, there’s a lot more to winter preparation, and it starts at great homes like yours throughout the Greater Philadelphia area.

So come on, join the party, and see what you can do to make the most of a winter season spent mostly indoors.

Adding insulation to pipes and to your water heater saves you money, and could prevent pipes from freezing in the cold weather. Add insulation around pipes that run on an exterior wall. And, by covering your water heater with a blanket manufactured for that purpose, you’ll spend less money keeping your water heated.

Programmable thermostat: Simply replacing one older style thermostat with a digital, programmable model can help you shave up to 3% and more off your home heating costs. And the best part is, you’ll experience no loss of comfort. For the ultimate in energy savings, ask about a programmable thermostat with remote Wi-Fi access, the kind that enables you to remotely change your temperature settings should your schedule change first.

Declutter and donate: It’s so easy when the weather is warm to postpone cleaning out closets and drawers. But with the advent of shorter days, longer nights, and colder temperatures, you’ve more or less run out of excuses. Plus, we’re approaching the holiday season, so much of the stuff you might consider not worthy of keeping would prove to be very welcome donations to those in need.

Big and small painting projects: Winter is also a great time to catch up on your painting. First, you’re less apt to feel like you could be doing something else, something a little more fun. More practically, the paint dries quickly and more evenly when you have heat flowing through your house. Just make sure the room or area you’re painting is well-ventilated.

Do you know what each of these projects assumes? That your heating system is working just fine. And yet you could be making the mistake to take that for granted. So, to increase the odds of that being so, contact DiBiase Heating & Cooling to request our heating system preventative maintenance service. Once completed, you’ll benefit from your system’s improved performance, lower utility costs, cleaner indoor air, and more.

Air Purifiers for Pet Owners: Managing Pet Dander and Odors

DiBiase Mascot

As a pet owner, you know that having furry companions comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most common issues pet owners face is managing pet dander and odors. Pet dander is made up of tiny skin cells that pets shed, and it can cause allergies and respiratory problems in humans. Pet odors, on the other hand, can make your home smell unpleasant and uninviting.

Fortunately, air purifiers can help you manage these issues. But with so many options available on the market, how do you choose the best air purifier for pet owners? In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some tips to help you make an informed decision.

Look for HEPA Filters

HEPA filters are designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, including pet dander and other allergens. When shopping for an air purifier, make sure it has a HEPA filter. This will ensure that the air in your home is as clean as possible.

Consider the Size of Your Home

Air purifiers come in different sizes, and you need to choose one that’s appropriate for the size of your home. If you have a large living space, you’ll need a larger air purifier. On the other hand, if you have a small apartment, a smaller air purifier will suffice.

Check the CADR Rating

The CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) rating is a measure of how quickly an air purifier can clean the air in a room. Look for an air purifier with a high CADR rating, especially if you have pets. This will ensure that the air in your home is cleaned quickly and efficiently.

Look for Additional Features

Some air purifiers come with additional features that can be useful for pet owners. For example, some air purifiers have a pre-filter that captures larger particles, such as pet hair. Others have a carbon filter that can help eliminate pet odors. Consider these additional features when choosing an air purifier.

Read Reviews

Finally, read reviews from other pet owners who have used the air purifier you’re considering. This will give you an idea of how effective the air purifier is at removing pet dander and odors. Look for reviews from reputable sources, such as government industry associations or research websites.

Choosing the best air purifier for pet owners requires some research and consideration. With the right air purifier, you can enjoy the company of your furry friends without worrying about pet dander and odors.

At DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company, we offer a range of air purifiers that are perfect for pet owners. Our team of experts can help you choose the right air purifier for your home.

Signs It’s Time for a New HVAC System

DiBiase Mascot

7 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your HVAC System

To replace or not to replace your HVAC system? That is a good question. You may find yourself struggling with deciding whether or not it’s time to replace your HVAC unit. The typical lifespan of a heating and cooling system is around 15-20 years or longer with regular maintenance.

There are several factors that can help you determine if it’s time to invest in an upgrade. Our heating and cooling professionals at DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company want to help you make an informed decision with these signs that it’s time to replace your HVAC unit.

1. Your Unit is Aged

If you have owned your heating and cooling unit for at least 20 years, you may want to begin the search for a new one. Most homeowners forget that these units don’t last forever, and one day the unit gives out because of old age.

2. Expensive Repairs

When your unit reaches the end of its lifespan, it’s more financially beneficial to you to purchase a replacement unit. In some cases, costs to repair a broken unit can be close to how much it costs to replace it. A general rule of thumb is that if your repairs are going to cost at least half of what it costs to repair your unit, we suggest you purchase a replacement unit instead.

3. Frequent Repairs

Repairing a broken HVAC shouldn’t be a frequent occurrence. Calling your local HVAC repair technician multiple times in one year is a sign that there is a bigger issue and you may want to consider investing in a new system. Having to schedule an appointment multiple times in a short period of time can add up after a while, and running into this issue is a sure sign it’s time to look into buying a new system.

4. Your Unit Doesn’t Turn Off

One of the best advantages of having central air and heat is the fact that you can put your thermostat to automatically turn on and off throughout the day. However, in extreme temperatures, your unit will work harder to provide enough heat or cold air to make your home feel comfortable.

But, what happens when your unit just doesn’t turn off? This is a costly indication that your unit may need to be replaced. A constantly running HVAC system is not an energy-efficient unit, and you should speak with an experienced technician about finding the right replacement.

5. Tripped Circuit Breaker

While it’s true that if your HVAC unit only trips your circuit breaker once isn’t anything to worry about, frequent trips are different. If you have a recurring issue with your circuit breaker tripping because of your HVAC system, you should consider scheduling a repair with your local technician.

6. Rising Energy Bills

If you notice that your utility bill has suddenly spiked for the month and you haven’t done anything differently, the issue could be your heating and cooling system. When an HVAC system is dying, it will work harder to provide heat and cold air for your home, making it less efficient and using more energy.

If your system is constantly running, not working efficiently, and sucking up your home’s energy, then it’s very likely it’s time to start shopping for a more efficient replacement.

7. Foul Odors

Does your home smell funny when you turn on the heat or air conditioning? When the seasons change and you use your air or heat for the first time in a while to regulate the temperature in your home, you may smell an odor coming from your vents. However, if you smell a foul odor most of the time, no matter if you’re switching from hot to cold, then you have a deeper problem and should contact your HVAC technician for a replacement.

Is Your HVAC System Under 10 Years Old?

Like we said, a good HVAC system should last 15 years or longer with routine maintenance. But what if your newer model central air unit is malfunctioning or underperforming? If an HVAC technician recommends that you replace it, seek a second opinion. We’re happy to check it out and give you an honest assessment free of charge. It may be that your HVAC system has several more good years ahead of it with a repair or a tune-up. To schedule your appointment, contact our Downingtown, PA team today at (844) 233-5468.

Yes, Fall Allergies are a Thing

DiBiase Mascot

Using Your HVAC System to Combat Allergies

As the seasons change, allergies tend to stick around, even as the weather gets cooler around fall. Fall allergies can affect you inside your home, just like they do when you’re outdoors.

Luckily, using the right tactics, you can combat fall allergies inside your home as well as improve your overall indoor air quality. Our Pennsylvania technicians want homeowners in the area to be able to find a little relief and lessen allergens in their homes. Keep reading to see how you can rid your home of allergy triggers, understand common causes of indoor allergens, and how to remove them.

Common Indoor Allergens in Pennsylvania
Some of the most common indoor allergens here in Pennsylvania come from sources such as:

1. Dust

Dust lasts all year round and is hard to avoid. In the fall, dust particles can get stirred up from the wind, accumulate from skin cells, or come about in dry weather. For example, fall is the beginning of the holiday season, and going in and out of your home to complete small tasks can bring in dust from outside, which triggers your allergies.

2. Pet Dander and Dust Mites

Dust mites are small little insects that live indoors. They typically can’t be eradicated by simply vacuuming or dusting your home. They stick to fibers and can live deep within your carpeting, triggering your allergies no matter the time of year.

Since dust mites can thrive in humid environments, having your home’s thermostat set to 70°F and above can help keep them at bay.

3. Mold Spores and Mildew

Mold and mildew grow and thrive in dark, moist environments, like your bathroom or laundry room. But, did you know that fall leaves can also breed mold spores? Sometimes we may think a fallen leaf is pretty and want to take it home to collect, or maybe you have kids that like to play in the leaves. While this makes for a fun family activity, you could be carrying those spores back home with you, creating an unhealthy environment that can reduce your indoor air quality.

Combatting Fall Allergies at Home Using Your HVAC System

There’s no specific season or time of the year when you should get your HVAC system maintained by a professional technician or even take action yourself. You can neutralize fall allergens and improve your indoor air quality by taking simple steps that our team suggests for customers with pesky allergies.

Clean Air Filters Regularly

Allergens can cause buildup not only in your nose but also in your home’s HVAC system. Your air conditioner’s filter is a key component in keeping your home allergen-free. Air filters collect particles in the air that trigger allergies, however when they’re full of dust and dirt they don’t pick up much of anything.

To defend your home from allergens, you should always check and change your air filters. Ideally, filters should be changed at least once every other month so that your family can breathe fresher air.

Maintaining Your HVAC Unit

So, what if changing your air filter isn’t enough? If you still feel your allergies are being triggered by something in your home, you should call a professional technician and schedule routine maintenance on your HVAC unit.

Call DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company for help

A technician can install air purification systems, UV lights, seal your ducts, install dehumidifiers, high-efficiency filters, and more to keep allergens out of your air.

Our team at DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company can help you create a plan to keep your home allergy-free. Call us today at (610) 215-9656 to schedule an appointment and rid your home of fall allergens!

Why You Should Trust Professionals For An AC Installation

DiBiase Mascot

Air conditioners help make those unbearable Summer days more comfortable and refreshing. This is why air conditioner installation Exton PA is so important. After all, who wouldn’t want to come home to a refreshing and cool environment?

There are plenty of videos, blogs, and tutorials that clearly explain how to go about air conditioner installation Exton CA, this may make you think that doing it yourself is a good idea.

However, this is far from the case. Apart from the time and the effort it takes for an amateur to install an AC, it is also very risky. You could easily make a costly mistake.

On the other hand, having the job done by professionals can ensure that the AC is installed properly. This also means you won’t have to think of any consequences and problems you could encounter in the future. If you live in Exton or the surrounding areas, the Dibiase Heating and Cooling Company is the one you should opt for.

Here are a few things that you should consider before even thinking of AC installation Exton PA.

Size Of The AC unit

The efficiency and performance of your air conditioner is highly dependent upon its size. There is a wide range of ACs in the market, which could make the process of choosing overwhelming. However, you should make sure that you buy the correct size for your home.

Buying an air conditioner bigger than you need, could result in lower efficiency and more pressure put on the unit. A smaller system would not be able to reach the desired room temperature. This then leads to constant use, improper air distribution, and increased electric bills.

The help of an AC technician is necessary in order for the right house measurements to be made. Dibiase Heating and Cooling Company is here to assist you in deciding on the AC size that is perfect exclusively for your house. After that, you are one step closer to the air conditioner installation Exton PA. but there is one more thing to consider.

The Airflow

Improper ductwork and blockages can stand in your way. Before you install your air conditioner, it’s crucial that there are no leaky ducts in the system. What follows from having leaky ducts and blockages is that the airflow will be disturbed. The air that should reach inside of the house is limited, which forces the AC to work harder than it should.

Dibiase Heating and Cooling Company can make the procedure of installing the AC quick and easy for everyone. Smart homeowners always trust professionals for such important investments.

Call us at (610) 285-1813 and we will perform an air conditioner installation Exton PA at a time that is convenient for you. If a phone call is time-intensive, feel free to reach out on our Contact Us page.

Reasons Why Your Air Conditioning Isn’t Cooling You Down Anymore

DiBiase Mascot

There may come a day in your life when the air produced by your AC is less refreshing ocean breeze and more dust-choked desert belch, a skin-shriveling exhalation of hot air. This is when you may start looking for AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA.

We sincerely hope that this day never comes for you. However, if it does it is important to know where to start your investigation into the AC’s lack of chill. For more complex diagnostics, remember that friendly expert advice is just a phone call away. Even better, yes we do AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA.

Any cooling unit’s primary mechanism of action is to remove heat from the outside air and deposit the cool air in your home. It does this by turning a liquid called a coolant or refrigerant into a gas. This refrigerant undergoes a chemical reaction, which has the effect of absorbing heat from the air.

That’s a highly simplified version, of course. In reality, the entire process is a lot more complex and involves a plethora of parts that work together to achieve the desired effect, i.e. cold air.

If there’s a break in the chain of command, your air conditioner will let you know in the most obvious way possible: by not blowing cold air. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common reasons for an air conditioner failing to do what it was designed for.

Leaking refrigerant

The refrigerant is an integral part of an air conditioner’s functioning and, if it isn’t kept at an optimal level, problems may ensue.

If you find yourself having to recharge the refrigerant more often than normal, it probably means that there’s a leak somewhere. You can also check for water or moisture around the base of the AC or on the floor.

Our skilled technicians will help you find and repair the source of a leak with AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA.

Faulty or dislodged sensor

The vast majority of air conditioning systems feature a thermostat sensor, which is used to measure the temperature of the incoming air and adjust the temperature of the air going out.

If the sensor has a short- or open-circuit, or it has become dislodged from its housing, the AC will not perform reliably.

Clogged evaporator drain

Much like a refrigerator, some air conditioning units have an evaporation drain where excess moisture can be dissipated.

Sometimes this drain becomes clogged with debris allowing moisture to build up around the drain and often it freezes completely shut. When this happens, your AC will run at reduced levels of efficiency and may also leak.

Dirty air filters

You’re likely to find this usual suspect in virtually any blog article about common AC problems and with good reason.

An air filter that has become clogged with dust, bird feathers, insects, leaves, etc., will dramatically reduce the system’s efficiency, restrict airflow, and hinder the unit’s ability to cool the air.

Clean Or Replace Filters On A Monthly Basis.

We are experts in AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA. Give us a call today at (610) 285-1813 for all your AC diagnostic, maintenance, and repair requirements. Calling doesn’t tickle your fancy? Then head on over to the Contact Us page for other ways to get in touch.

What To Look For When You Need An AC Repair Or Installation

DiBiase Mascot

Very often our customer’s air conditioning systems break down at the absolute worst time like during the holidays or in the middle of the night before a big day at work. That’s why we want to tell you why so many customers in our area rely on DiBiase Heating & Cooling for their air conditioning repair and installation service Paoli PA.

Searching through the yellow pages, Google business listings, or bugging your friends for a good service provider are probably the last things you want to do at any given moment.

That’s because the truth is you won’t know just how good the service is until one of us comes and works on your air conditioning system. Luckily though, you’ve come to one of the best places to receive help on all of your HVAC needs.

But right now, let’s go over the three most important factors when hiring someone to do air conditioning repair and installation service Paoli PA…

Look For Experience

Our team here at DiBiase Heating & Cooling has several decades of combined experience as our team came together in 2008. We’ve come to be a little family of our own and we really enjoy working together, which accounts for a lot of our success in this business.

Each of our technicians can usually anticipate the next thing that the other needs whether it’s a part or a tool, and can easily communicate with each other to help find the underlying problems and solve them as quickly as possible. This is a very valuable asset to have as many handymen won’t be able to work with each other so efficiently.

Look For Friendliness & Reliability

That also means that we treat our customers and their homes as if they were a part of our circle of friends and family. We want to do a good job to earn your trust and keep your faith in our ability to perform air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA.

One of the risks of calling the first service provider you come across is that they’re not going to be happy to show up in the middle of the night or at the end of the day. There are many horror stories of our customers having to wait forever for their repair guys, or that they had to tolerate rude service in their own home. We don’t do that!

Finally, Look For Someone Who’s Qualified

Each one of our team members has been through a rigorous training regime, and schooling before they’re even allowed to put their hands on your unit. This is to ensure that they don’t make any mistakes during repairs or installation that will cost you more. This will also ensure that there is diminished stress on your system in the long run.

Please call us at (610) 285-1813 if you’re convinced that we are the right service provider for you! Is calling a bit tricky, no problem! Visit our Contact Us page for alternative methods to get in touch.

What To Look For In An Air Conditioner Service

DiBiase Mascot

Are you looking for a new company to provide a premium air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA? We understand it can be difficult to find the best service for your needs. We are here to help you and who knows after this article, perhaps you will have found your company!

Signs You Have Found A Great Contractor

Qualified Contractors

A good air-conditioning service is not going to be good without some qualified contractors. Our contractors have undergone extensive training, and have certifications in their field. They also have good communication skills and are able to convey information to the consumer that is necessary to provide installation and repairs.

With these skills, you will know exactly what to expect and how to maintain your unit. Our contractors will be continuing to undertake training to keep up with the latest trends in air-conditioning. Our company provides fully qualified contractors who are responsible for air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA.

Premium Customer Service

There is nothing worse than poor customer service. It can leave a person feeling stressed and like their needs are not being met. A good customer service company will provide premium support. They answer any questions the customer has, organize payments, and make sure their needs are met. A good company will also offer 24-hour support as well.

Quality Products

How can a company provide good services without good products? What makes a good product? If it works flawlessly, provides durability, and has a good price, then it will meet our standards.

A good company will also keep up with the greatest trends, and the latest brands of air-conditioners. It enables us to provide premium air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA.

How We Can Help

Our company provides premium air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA. We have fully qualified contractors who really know the products we sell. Along with this, we have a superb customer service and support team who provide extremely high levels of customer service.

We provide 24/7 support so you can contact us day and night with any questions. We go above and beyond to make sure you know the features of your air-conditioning and the way to maintain your unit.

Are you looking to have a new air-conditioner repaired and installed? Contact us today! Our phone number is (610) 285-1813 and you can visit us at our Contact Us page.

3 Ways Professional AC Servicing Will Save You Time and Money

DiBiase Mascot

Servicing your AC is one of those chores that many of our customers never seem to get around to. In theory, it seems like it’d be pretty simple and then you realize you don’t know what you’re doing! It’s probably not that important if you’re air conditioner is running ok at the minute, right?! Well, we hate to be the bearers of bad news but the longer you go without getting a professional air conditioner service in Coatesville, PA the more likely it is something is going to go awry cause you problems. To help you see the benefits of proper maintenance and regular servicing we’ve broken it down into 3 key points that explain how and why you should leave this task to the professionals!

Save Money

One of the biggest factors when it comes to looking after your air system is money. Many people think that paying for a service is a waste of money until they back with hindsight when they’re paying out more for urgent repairs or heaven forbid of a whole new unit because they’ve let theirs fall into disarray (groan), we feel your pain, especially when it’s so easily avoidable! Using our air conditioning service in Coatesville, PA will give you an annual maintenance plan that is on average 15% cheaper than calling us out to do a one-time maintenance check for you. All our deals come with additional discounts on parts, labor, and membership bonuses like priority booking and emergency call-out cover – we want to make sure your air conditioner offers you long-term comfort at a price you can afford with flexible payment options.

Efficiency and Performance

It goes without saying that if you hire the right help to keep your air conditioner ticking along nicely, you’ll reap the rewards. For example, ignoring general maintenance alone makes your system 5-8% less efficient every year, so in 5 years you’d be losing 25% of your AC’s function and power and that’s not cool at all! As you can imagine this wreaks havoc on your energy bills which can be reduced by up to 15% annually when you call in the experts. This is all before we factor in the increasing frequency of repairs and running issues. There’s no point paying for something that doesn’t do the job. If this was any other kind of electrical device in your home, you’d want a refund so don’t settle for less and let your cash slip through the gaps.

Spring Is The Best Time Of Year To Get A Service

At the very least you should get your air conditioner service in Coatesville, PA once a year, and now is the best time to do it. Why? Well, even if you haven’t used your AC much over the winter it’s still going to have accumulated a bit of wear and tear. It’s also important to check conditioner wasn’t affected by the stormy spring weather with debris and water damage being common complaints that can prove costly if left untreated. There’s also nothing more annoying than not taking the time to tune your AC now to find that it needs, servicing. Put your mind at ease and head into summer with a cool head!

To make the most of your home call us on (484) 378-0796 to book your service today.

Time For A New Air Conditioner? Here’s What You Need To Know

DiBiase Mascot

Things are starting to heat up around here. With summer fast approaching now really is the time to get a new air conditioner. Let’s be honest most people don’t usually consider getting a new one until their current one gives out – but I’ll let you in on a little secret, it’s cheaper to get a new air conditioner installed in the spring. That’s right. Call-out fees are higher in the summer months and the products themselves are more expensive. Most cooling companies go “oh, it’s supply and demand”. Here at DiBiase, we feel that your comfort should come before anything else. We understand that a new air conditioner is not an everyday purchase so we’re committed to providing the very best AC installation service in West Chester, PA. To put your mind at ease, take a look below at the different options and support our contractors provide customers in a similar position.

The Basics Make The Biggest Difference

I know, I know most of you are reading this thinking the price of a new conditioner has got to be your top priority. We’ll get to that. But buying your next air conditioner based on the price tag alone is not the way to go. Your individual needs such as the type of property you have, the size of your home, how much you use your air conditioner, how well your existing unit performs, and how much your typical bill is are all factors that need to be assessed by a professional technician to ensure that you make an investment that’s really going to go the distance and enhance your home. What makes using an AC installation service in West Chester, PA valuable is not only our team’s skill but also their knowledge that allows them to give accurate advice that’ll help save money going forward.

Where Price Comes In

Once your technician has done a thorough assessment, he’ll be able to recommend the best system. It’s important to keep in mind that the most expensive systems won’t necessarily give you the best results so you needn’t worry that having your AC installation carried out by us is going to break the bank. We have a range of finance options and a wide variety of premium products supplied to us by the industry’s leading manufacturers. It’s worth noting that the cost of your new air system should always take into account the price you’ve been quoted for the installation itself, skimping on this side of the deal is even worse than buying a cheap, ineffective product as it could damage your home, affect your fuel bills and worst of all end up costing more to put things right.

Prices vary, but our service won’t and with new AC units in PA being installed at around 16% less than the national average at present, it’s sure to cost less than you think! Take control and book your AC installation service in West Chester, PA today on (610) 285-1813.