Preventing Household Injuries in Kennett Square and Malvern

DiBiase Mascot

For most, home is a source of comfort, that one special place where we feel safe and protected from outside dangers. And yet, did you know that you’re more likely to be injured inside your own home than any other place on the planet? In fact, an average of 21 million annual medical visits in the United States is due to unintentional injuries that occur in the home.

The good news is that many of them can be prevented by following a few important safety precautions like these:

  • Develop a fire escape plan, outlining two exits out of every room and establishing a safe meeting place for your family. Have safety drills twice a year.
  • Keep a well-stocked first aid kit in your home and replace necessary items as needed.
  • Equip your home with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and a small fire extinguisher. Learn how to use it before you ever need it and remember to have it refilled after use.
  • Use safety brackets to straps to secure bookcases, tall dressers, and other large heavy items to the wall.
  • Program the poison control hotline number, local police number (for non-emergency situations), and family physician phone numbers into every phone you own.
  • Help prevent drowning by never leaving a child in the bathtub unattended, and install locks on all toilets in the home.
  • Keep poisonous and dangerous substances such as cleaning supplies and medications locked and out of reach of children.
  • Replace all standard electrical outlets near wet areas such as sinks and tubs with the safer GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets.
  • Use LED night lights to light hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms at night.
  • Install grab bars in bathtubs and showers and keep your water heater set to a maximum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

To help make your home an even safer living environment, contact DiBiase Heating & Cooling for our annual AC tune-up and inspection, during which we take several important health and safety steps, including checking for mold and mildew and tightening all electrical connections to help prevent electrical fires. Our tune-up and inspection can also help save money on repairs and your utility costs, so act now and call us at (610) 285-1813 for service.

New, High Efficiency Water Heaters in Delaware County and Exton

DiBiase Mascot

If you’re thinking about buying a new water heater but haven’t been paying attention to the recent changes to improve their energy efficiency, you’re in for a big surprise, especially if your plans call for a replacement system with greater than 55 gallons of storage capacity.

Under a federal program called NAECA (National Appliance Energy Conservation Act), electric and gas water heaters of that size and larger will no longer be manufactured in the US beginning on April 16, 2015.

Here’s what’s taking their place:

  • Electric hybrid heat pump water heaters – This is the new generation of electric storage tank systems that combines heat pumps and traditional electric water heater technology into a new, more energy-efficient whole. You can expect energy savings of up to 25% over traditional electric water heaters.
  • Gas Condensing Water Heaters – Taller and wider than their predecessors, gas condensing systems use less gas to generate the same amount of hot water, which conserves energy and reduces carbon emissions.

By now you’re probably wondering: “But what if I don’t need a new water heater with 55-gallon+ storage capacity?” While the basic technology remains the same with new style gas and electric water heaters under 55 gallons, the units are both wider and taller as they contain added insulation to meet the new energy efficiency requirements. That, in turn, could pose a bit of a challenge come replacement time, especially if you want the same size water heater but you don’t currently have enough space for it.

And yet, challenges are met to be overcome, and DiBiase Heating &Cooling is just the company to help you obtain exactly the size and type of water heater you and your family need.

Preventative Maintenance for Your AC System in Downingtown and Chester County

DiBiase Mascot

The time has come to tell it like it is: too many homeowners are afraid to have their AC systems professionally serviced for fear that some sort of problem will be reported that will increase the cost of that service.

And so they do nothing, trusting their system to chance and the “hope” that everything will be fine this year because everything was fine last year, and the year before that, and so on.

Take it from someone who knows better: turning the other cheek to annual preventative maintenance is exactly the WRONG thing to do as system neglect is a one-way ticket to potentially serious repair problems, a shorter system lifespan, and higher utility costs.

So what comes next? Nothing is more important to the overall care of your home comfort systems than aligning yourself with a professional contractor you trust absolutely. When that happens, you’ll have no reason to doubt any repair recommendations they might make – following preventative maintenance or any other time, for that matter. Instead, you’ll know that if such a recommendation is made, it’s for real, and in your best interest to get the issue resolved.

Once you’ve found such a home heating and cooling provider, your next best move is to heed their advice, which you already know to be in your best interests. Included in that advice will always be the following: “Have your heating and AC system thoroughly cleaned and inspected once a year, preferably in the spring.”

When you heed that advice, you’ll have your absolute best chance of NEVER experiencing a repair problem. No one can guarantee that, but it’s always the goal. Other benefits you’ll realize from professional maintenance services include the following:

  • Longer system lifespan
  • Lower utility costs
  • More consistent temperatures from one room to another

At DiBiase Heating & Cooling, there’s nothing more important to us than earning and keeping your trust. And there’s only one way to achieve that goal: always put your interests first and do everything in our power to help you enjoy uninterrupted comfort and convenience at the lowest total net cost.

Contact us today to learn more about our approach to customer service and to schedule preventative maintenance for your AC system. Here at DiBiase, we guarantee your 100% satisfaction.

AC System Warning Signs in Chester Springs and Coatesville

DiBiase Mascot

Year after year, and for as long as you’ve owned it, your AC system has worked like a dog during the dog days of summer and throughout the rest of the cooling season.

And what’s its reward for all that effort? Eventually, it will get thrown onto a recycling heap.

Still, keeping you and your family cool and comfortable is what your AC system is all about, and for as long as it’s able to perform up to a reasonable standard?

But what happens when it can’t perform at a level any longer, and how would you even know? Fortunately, there are some very clear warning signs that your AC system might be reaching the end of its run, or at least in need of some prompt and professional troubleshooting. And that’s exactly what you should request if and when you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • The system won’t engage: While this might at first seem ominous, don’t be too quick to rule your system out. Maybe there’s a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker, or a plug that accidentally got disconnected. The problem could also be with a thermostat.
  • Hot and cold spots throughout your house: If your AC system was correctly designed and installed, then at least at some point it delivered roughly equal amounts of cool air from one room to the next. But things can change over time, especially if your system has not been properly maintained. This is one you might want to get checked out professionally since, maybe, for example, there’s a problem inside your ductwork.
  • Noisy operation: Ah, remember the good ol’ days when your system was first installed and it was whisper quiet? And yet if it’s noisy now, any number of factors could be causing the racket, including a broken fan belt or blade, or air ducts that are alternately contracting and expanding.
  • Sky-high utility bills: If you’ve become fearful of opening your electricity bills over the past year or so, chances are you’re postponing the inevitable need to replace your system for a new, high efficiency model. Still, all system problems are worth getting checked out by a reliable HVAC professional as the cause is often much more benign than what you might fear to be the case.

For every known AC system problem, there’s DiBiase Heating & Cooling Company to properly troubleshoot the problem and then recommend one or more action steps to make things right again. So, for professional service from a proven reliable resource, contact us today.