Signs It’s Time for a New HVAC System

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7 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your HVAC System

To replace or not to replace your HVAC system? That is a good question. You may find yourself struggling with deciding whether or not it’s time to replace your HVAC unit. The typical lifespan of a heating and cooling system is around 15-20 years or longer with regular maintenance.

There are several factors that can help you determine if it’s time to invest in an upgrade. Our heating and cooling professionals at DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company want to help you make an informed decision with these signs that it’s time to replace your HVAC unit.

1. Your Unit is Aged

If you have owned your heating and cooling unit for at least 20 years, you may want to begin the search for a new one. Most homeowners forget that these units don’t last forever, and one day the unit gives out because of old age.

2. Expensive Repairs

When your unit reaches the end of its lifespan, it’s more financially beneficial to you to purchase a replacement unit. In some cases, costs to repair a broken unit can be close to how much it costs to replace it. A general rule of thumb is that if your repairs are going to cost at least half of what it costs to repair your unit, we suggest you purchase a replacement unit instead.

3. Frequent Repairs

Repairing a broken HVAC shouldn’t be a frequent occurrence. Calling your local HVAC repair technician multiple times in one year is a sign that there is a bigger issue and you may want to consider investing in a new system. Having to schedule an appointment multiple times in a short period of time can add up after a while, and running into this issue is a sure sign it’s time to look into buying a new system.

4. Your Unit Doesn’t Turn Off

One of the best advantages of having central air and heat is the fact that you can put your thermostat to automatically turn on and off throughout the day. However, in extreme temperatures, your unit will work harder to provide enough heat or cold air to make your home feel comfortable.

But, what happens when your unit just doesn’t turn off? This is a costly indication that your unit may need to be replaced. A constantly running HVAC system is not an energy-efficient unit, and you should speak with an experienced technician about finding the right replacement.

5. Tripped Circuit Breaker

While it’s true that if your HVAC unit only trips your circuit breaker once isn’t anything to worry about, frequent trips are different. If you have a recurring issue with your circuit breaker tripping because of your HVAC system, you should consider scheduling a repair with your local technician.

6. Rising Energy Bills

If you notice that your utility bill has suddenly spiked for the month and you haven’t done anything differently, the issue could be your heating and cooling system. When an HVAC system is dying, it will work harder to provide heat and cold air for your home, making it less efficient and using more energy.

If your system is constantly running, not working efficiently, and sucking up your home’s energy, then it’s very likely it’s time to start shopping for a more efficient replacement.

7. Foul Odors

Does your home smell funny when you turn on the heat or air conditioning? When the seasons change and you use your air or heat for the first time in a while to regulate the temperature in your home, you may smell an odor coming from your vents. However, if you smell a foul odor most of the time, no matter if you’re switching from hot to cold, then you have a deeper problem and should contact your HVAC technician for a replacement.

Is Your HVAC System Under 10 Years Old?

Like we said, a good HVAC system should last 15 years or longer with routine maintenance. But what if your newer model central air unit is malfunctioning or underperforming? If an HVAC technician recommends that you replace it, seek a second opinion. We’re happy to check it out and give you an honest assessment free of charge. It may be that your HVAC system has several more good years ahead of it with a repair or a tune-up. To schedule your appointment, contact our Downingtown, PA team today at (844) 233-5468.

Is Your Heater Giving You A Headache?

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There is nobody that will know better than you about the benefits of a heating system that delivers consistently, and without a hitch. Living in icy Exton, PA at this time of year, a heating system may even be on your wish list for the big round man in the red suit. Some may refer to a heating system as a luxury, but these people don’t have to endure the chattering teeth, and numb with cold extremities. In an area where the weather can become more than a little frosty, a heater is a necessity if you want to feel the comfort you should within your own home.

A heating system, however, is pretty costly, and once purchased, you are stuck with it for quite a few years. This is one of the main reasons why you need to take every care when selecting the right design for your home, and the right contractor to install it. The heating system is a piece of mechanical equipment that really adds value to your property, and that warm, loving feeling to your home.

As I said earlier, heaters are meant to last you quite some time, and with the price tag attached, you need to do everything in your power to ensure that you can prolong the lifespan as far as possible. Regular maintenance is a must if you want to get the most value for your money spent. Maintenance will keep your heater clean, and dust-free, allowing free flow of clean, good quality indoor air, as well as keep your utility costs to a minimum. Remember a system under strain, only drains more energy and costs you more to operate.

Repair Services – Guaranteed Satisfaction and Quality Parts

Well, winter is around the corner or on the doorstep and you have forgotten to test your heating system before the time. You have switched on, fingers crossed, and the system is not doing what it’s meant to. The awaited warmth, is not, instead, you have a cloud of dusty, stale air, and then nothing. Who do you call? If you live in Exton PA, you’re in luck. DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company offer heater repair service in Exton PA that leaves our customers with heating systems that are working efficiently and effectively.

We only use quality spares, and parts that are obtained from reputable companies. Brands that are well-known for their efficiency and durability are our preferred suppliers. Materials used during your repairs are top-quality and long-lasting. Our repairs are carried out with the intention of providing you with a heater that works for years to come.

DiBiase – The Trusted Name In Heater Repair Service in Exton PA

DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company have been around the block many times since our inception in 2008. We have gained experience, of course, not always well, but it has allowed us to grow and develop into the formidable service provider we are today.

We know what is needed, and we know how to provide it to our customers. Our technicians are certified and have the knowledge to get the job done quickly, and with results that are expected.

At DiBiase, the customer is always at the top of our priority list. Whether you are dealing with a telephone salesperson, a technician, or a director, you will always be treated fairly, with respect, honesty, and integrity.

We don’t just have customers; we forge relationships that will last a lifetime.

Call DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company today. Experience what heater repair service in Exton PA should feel like. We put your comfort first, always (888) 500-3405.

4 Steps towards Better Heating Efficiency

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So many people spend thousands of dollars on heater replacement in Chester Springs Pennsylvania each and every year, and the worst part is that many of these repairs and replacements could have been avoided, or at least put off for a while with the proper efficiency during the heater’s lifespan. The main issue for most people is simply not knowing exactly how to maximize that efficiency in your home, which leads to malfunctions and full-on failures sooner, rather than later. Let’s take a look at 4 ways to add to the longevity of your system, allowing you and your family to stay warm and secure all year round!

1.Changing the air filter every single month (yes, really)

Many homeowners neglect their air filters, and to be fair, it’s quite easy to do. Something so small and seemingly minuscule can easily be buried under the weight of dozens of other more “urgent” tasks, but we’re here to tell you that not changing your filter out for months at a time is one of the worst things you can do for your heating system. This is especially true if you have pets that shed a lot or any other conditions in your home where objects might accumulate on the filter.

2.Leveling up your thermostat (and learning to use it properly)

We’d venture to say most Americans don’t even bother to truly learn anything beyond the essentials as far as their thermostat’s functions go. What’s worse, many homeowners are using very outdated hardware for the thermostats, which is excluding them from many of the “smart” features available today. Many of these newer thermostats have settings that can end up saving you a fairly large amount of money every year just by learning them and using them effectively in your home. What’s better than that?

3.Taking the time to get regular maintenance done

Many homeowners don’t like having regular maintenance done on their heating systems because they feel it is expensive to do so. What they don’t realize is that without proper maintenance, your heater is much more likely to fail on you, and even more likely to have small issues sooner than it would with service done. These small issues, while not truly detrimental to your system’s operation, make it more costly to run the heater, costing you each and every month, all the while leading to a much bigger and more costly repair or replacement.

4.Learning to let go

If your system is older than 10-15 years in age, it might be time to start facing the inevitable; everything has a lifespan, and your heater is included there. Replacing a very old system will undoubtedly cost more money upfront, but in turn, it will save you money over the long run by providing much more efficient air to your family, and doing it in a smarter, more modern style with advanced thermostats and controls.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and get a heater replacement in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, give the experts at Dibiase Heating and Cooling Company a call at (610) 285-1813 today. We offer the best 24/7 service in the Chester Springs area and beyond, and we are absolutely committed to bringing you the best options, pricing, and service during your transition to your new heater. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

4 Common Problems with Electric Baseboard Heating


Electric Baseboard Heater Not Working?

Due to its associated utility costs, electric baseboard heating is far from the most common form of whole-house heating. Then again, some people simply prefer not to heat their homes with gas or oil, especially those who rely partly on a wood-burning stove so the electric heating system doesn’t have to perform solo.

Regardless of what your reasons might be for owning or wanting an electric baseboard heating system – whether for whole or a partial-home application, here are four common problems you should be aware of:

Common Problems with Electric Baseboard Heaters

1. Hot & Cold Spots

There’s a very good chance, in this instance, that there’s nothing wrong with your heating system; rather, that clothes or draperies, etc., are blocking the flow of heat. If you feel colder than normal, also take a look at the unit’s movable damper (or louver) to see if it’s partially or completely closed over the heating element; if so, lift it back up again so the normal flow of heat can resume.

2. Electrical Problems

If the entire system stops working, the problem could be as simple as a blown fuse or tripped more circuit breaker or something more systemic like faulty internal wiring.

If replacing a fuse or resetting the circuit breaker isn’t the solution, contact the company that installed the system for you or, if you installed it yourself, contact the system manufacturer to see what remedies are available to you. And if the answer is “none”, you can always call the electric baseboard heating professionals at DiBiase Heating & Cooling.

3. Soot or Smoke Emissions

It’s important to keep the exterior of your baseboard heaters clean; otherwise, the enclosed heating element in each unit can burn any dirt or other debris that collects on the covers. Luckily, cleaning your baseboard heaters is quite simple.

How to clean electric baseboard heaters:

  1. Shut off your power and hot water, then remove the faceplate cover of your heater.
  2. Use a vacuum to clean the fins inside your unit.
  3. Fill any pipe gaps with heat-resistant spray foam or silicone sealant.
  4. Seal off any gaps in your baseboards with aluminum foil tape.
  5. Aim to clean your baseboard heaters about twice a year.

4. Inconsistent Temperatures

Many electric baseboard heating systems come with an internal thermostat that is designed to maintain a constant temperature. The problem is, internal thermostats aren’t always effective. So if maintaining constant, comfortable temperatures is high on your list of priorities, consider installing optional wall-mounted thermostats.

You’ll need one for each unit since, by definition, electric baseboard heating systems are not central heating systems; each baseboard unit functions independently of all the others in your house.

Has Your Baseboard Heater Stopped Working? We Can Help!

If you have questions before purchasing one or more electric baseboard heating units or a problem with your current heaters, contact DiBiase Heating & Cooling today. For your added peace of mind, our West Chester heating repair technicians service, repair, and install all types of home heating systems.

How to Reduce Your Home Heating Costs

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In a dream world, it wouldn’t cost you anything to heat your home. The warm air would just be “there”, and life would go on with couple hundred extra bucks in your pocket every month.

Alas, you can dream all you like, but free heat is probably not in the cards, unless that rich uncle of yours suddenly directs you to have all the bills sent to him. Short of that, it’s wise to look at every possible to reduce your home heating costs, especially when you recall just how cold and generally miserable the past couple of winters have been here in the Greater Philadelphia area.

Here are 5 simple ways to take a noticeable bite of your cold-weather-season utility bills:

  • Wear warmer clothing and lower the thermostat a couple of degrees. Sounds kind of primitive, right? But it’s one of the more obvious and very doable ways to save money.
  • Install one or more two-directional ceiling fans. Heat rises: no doubt you remember that from earth science class. Well, it rises in your home, too, which means it’s constantly headed toward the ceiling and your upstairs bedrooms, thus requiring greater and greater amounts of warm air to keep you comfortable. With two-way ceiling fans, however, you can push the warm air back down, thus taking a good chunk of pressure off your furnace, and a noticeable reduction in your heating costs.
  • Have preventative maintenance performed on your furnace once a year. With an annual cleaning and inspection, your furnace or boiler will run better, last longer, and run more efficiently, too – yet another way to keep more money in your pocket.
  • Check around your windows and doors for air leaks. If your windows and doors aren’t thoroughly caulked and weather-stripped, then warm air is escaping while cold air has unrestrained access to your home. Get rid of the leaks, and you’ll get rid of added home heating expense.

If your heating system runs off a single zone and thermostat, perhaps it’s time to consider adding another zone or two, especially if you tend to spend considerably more time in certain areas of your than others. Then you can feel just as comfortable as you like while reducing the temperature in rooms or areas seldom or at least not currently occupied. Plus, for every zone you have, current or future, we recommend a Wi-Fi friendly programmable thermostat, professionally installed by DiBiase Heating & Cooling. That enables you to change temperature settings remotely for the ultimate in flexibility and added energy savings. Contact us today for more information or to schedule service.

4 Benefits of a Whole-House Humidifier

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When winter finally gets here, most of us are happy just to have a heating system that works. Too cold outside? No worries, because it’s toasty warm indoors.

The problem is, “toasty warm” isn’t just a nice metaphor, it’s actually a pretty accurate description of climate conditions inside most homes during the winter months. You see, unless you do something with toast, it’s as dry as it can be. And so is the winter air inside your home.

But now you CAN do something about it with a whole-house humidifier from DiBiase Heating & Cooling Company. We can install one as an attachment to your furnace; that way, while the furnace is running, the humidifier is mixing in the right amount of moisture to help you feel not just warm, but completely comfortable.

Here are 4 benefits of having a whole-house humidifier:

  1. Your overall health will improve. When the air is overly dry, you’re more prone to experience dry and flaky skin, bloody noses, static electricity, not to mention bigger problems with your allergies or asthma. With added moisture in the air, you can set those concerns aside.
  2. Your utility costs will be lower. Just as you feel hotter in the summer when the humidity is high, you’ll feel just as warm at lower thermostat settings while simultaneously running your whole-house humidifier. And that helps keep your utility costs down.
  3. You will protect your wood floors and furniture. Dry indoor air sucks the moisture right of all wooden objects and can actually warp and ruin some of them, like musical instruments, if the problem goes unchecked. A whole-house humidifier helps protect your doors, floors, furniture, and more.
  4. You have total control of the humidity levels. Whole-house humidifiers come with the humidifier version of a thermostat, where you can raise or lower humidity levels at will. Most experts agree, however, that the ideal level of relative humidity is between 30% and 40%.

The moral of this story? Being wonderfully warm doesn’t mean having to be miserably dry indoors inside your home this or any other winter. To learn more about what a whole-house humidifier can do for you, or to schedule installation, contact DiBiase today!

Heating & Cooling Services in Paoli and West Chester

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How much value do you place on the professionals you’ve engaged and built relationships with? Doctor, dentist, lawyer, accountant, financial planner, and so on.

Well, you would do just as well to have a professional heating and cooling company on that same list. Here are just some of the reasons why:

  • You wouldn’t have to conduct new searches each time you needed the services of a heating or cooling professional.
  • You’d have a service provider who knows you and, equally important, knows your equipment.
  • You’d have a trusted professional you could call to ask for advice, just as you do other professional service providers. If, for example, you asked “Am I better off replacing my furnace now, or do you think I can get another year or two out of it?”, you can trust that the answer you receive would be in your best interests, even if not in theirs.
  • Professional HVAC companies are also indoor air quality experts. Over time, let’s say a family member develops allergies or asthma. Once again, your own professional HVAC advisors can always be counted on to recommend exactly the right indoor air quality solution to get rid of the air pollutants that may be causing or aggravating the respiratory problem.
  • By taking their advice, you’d also have your heating and AC systems cleaned and inspected once a year. That’s a service that helps to extend equipment lifespan, lower or eliminate repair bills, reduce your energy costs, and help keep your home and family that much safer.

At DiBiase Heating & Cooling, we work hard every day to be exactly that company for the many local homeowners we’re privileged to serve – to let them know we’re always on hand for expert advice, and not just to respond to service calls. For yours and their added peace of mind, we enjoy an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau – further assurance of high ethical standards and a strong record of customer satisfaction.

Yes, it’s still important to hire a company that can fix any heating or cooling problem, or designs a new or replacement system that’s just right for your home and budget. But it’s even more important to have a relationship with that company, one built on mutual trust, so you never have to second guess their advice or worry about if they stand behind their work.

Would you like to learn more about DiBiase Heating & Cooling? Then please continue browsing our website or, if you like, call us (484) 657-7006 and ask to speak with a home comfort specialist. Who knows: maybe today is the first day of a new, long-term relationship with each other.