Reasons Why Your Air Conditioning Isn’t Cooling You Down Anymore

DiBiase Mascot

There may come a day in your life when the air produced by your AC is less refreshing ocean breeze and more dust-choked desert belch, a skin-shriveling exhalation of hot air. This is when you may start looking for AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA.

We sincerely hope that this day never comes for you. However, if it does it is important to know where to start your investigation into the AC’s lack of chill. For more complex diagnostics, remember that friendly expert advice is just a phone call away. Even better, yes we do AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA.

Any cooling unit’s primary mechanism of action is to remove heat from the outside air and deposit the cool air in your home. It does this by turning a liquid called a coolant or refrigerant into a gas. This refrigerant undergoes a chemical reaction, which has the effect of absorbing heat from the air.

That’s a highly simplified version, of course. In reality, the entire process is a lot more complex and involves a plethora of parts that work together to achieve the desired effect, i.e. cold air.

If there’s a break in the chain of command, your air conditioner will let you know in the most obvious way possible: by not blowing cold air. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common reasons for an air conditioner failing to do what it was designed for.

Leaking refrigerant

The refrigerant is an integral part of an air conditioner’s functioning and, if it isn’t kept at an optimal level, problems may ensue.

If you find yourself having to recharge the refrigerant more often than normal, it probably means that there’s a leak somewhere. You can also check for water or moisture around the base of the AC or on the floor.

Our skilled technicians will help you find and repair the source of a leak with AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA.

Faulty or dislodged sensor

The vast majority of air conditioning systems feature a thermostat sensor, which is used to measure the temperature of the incoming air and adjust the temperature of the air going out.

If the sensor has a short- or open-circuit, or it has become dislodged from its housing, the AC will not perform reliably.

Clogged evaporator drain

Much like a refrigerator, some air conditioning units have an evaporation drain where excess moisture can be dissipated.

Sometimes this drain becomes clogged with debris allowing moisture to build up around the drain and often it freezes completely shut. When this happens, your AC will run at reduced levels of efficiency and may also leak.

Dirty air filters

You’re likely to find this usual suspect in virtually any blog article about common AC problems and with good reason.

An air filter that has become clogged with dust, bird feathers, insects, leaves, etc., will dramatically reduce the system’s efficiency, restrict airflow, and hinder the unit’s ability to cool the air.

Clean Or Replace Filters On A Monthly Basis.

We are experts in AC repair and installation in Coatesville PA. Give us a call today at (610) 285-1813 for all your AC diagnostic, maintenance, and repair requirements. Calling doesn’t tickle your fancy? Then head on over to the Contact Us page for other ways to get in touch.

What To Look For In An Air Conditioner Service

DiBiase Mascot

Are you looking for a new company to provide a premium air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA? We understand it can be difficult to find the best service for your needs. We are here to help you and who knows after this article, perhaps you will have found your company!

Signs You Have Found A Great Contractor

Qualified Contractors

A good air-conditioning service is not going to be good without some qualified contractors. Our contractors have undergone extensive training, and have certifications in their field. They also have good communication skills and are able to convey information to the consumer that is necessary to provide installation and repairs.

With these skills, you will know exactly what to expect and how to maintain your unit. Our contractors will be continuing to undertake training to keep up with the latest trends in air-conditioning. Our company provides fully qualified contractors who are responsible for air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA.

Premium Customer Service

There is nothing worse than poor customer service. It can leave a person feeling stressed and like their needs are not being met. A good customer service company will provide premium support. They answer any questions the customer has, organize payments, and make sure their needs are met. A good company will also offer 24-hour support as well.

Quality Products

How can a company provide good services without good products? What makes a good product? If it works flawlessly, provides durability, and has a good price, then it will meet our standards.

A good company will also keep up with the greatest trends, and the latest brands of air-conditioners. It enables us to provide premium air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA.

How We Can Help

Our company provides premium air conditioning repair and installation service in Paoli PA. We have fully qualified contractors who really know the products we sell. Along with this, we have a superb customer service and support team who provide extremely high levels of customer service.

We provide 24/7 support so you can contact us day and night with any questions. We go above and beyond to make sure you know the features of your air-conditioning and the way to maintain your unit.

Are you looking to have a new air-conditioner repaired and installed? Contact us today! Our phone number is (610) 285-1813 and you can visit us at our Contact Us page.

Air Conditioning Service Malvern PA

DiBiase Mascot

A fan is usually used by Air conditioners to circulate conditioned air to buildings, thereby encouraging indoor air quality. Without a fully functional AC, our homes are subjected to incessant heat and general atmospheric discomfort.

Below some of the advantages of an Air Conditioner to a home.

Advantages of an Air Conditioner

The comfort level of a home is increased through an AC. This is extremely important to any head of the family. The need to provide only the best for your family is of paramount importance. Air conditioning is very commonly found in the workplace as well and offers benefits that far outweigh the cost of installation. The work rate and performance of workers improve when they are at ease and comfortable within the working environment. You may even find those sick days seem to be reduced, allowing you to save costs and from a business perspective, that is something that really matters. Using an AC system reduces the risk of infections and allergies and minimizes the medical costs involved. Another health factor that is positively affected is the reduction in the instances of dehydration through excessive perspiration. The body is kept cool, reducing fluid loss overall.

Disadvantages of an AC System

Although there are a lot of benefits of an AC to any home, it should be noted that few disadvantages are attached to the use of AC. The disadvantages are not to discourage us, they only serve as precautions to be aware of.

Disadvantages of AC

The respiratory system can be affected if the AC changes temperature unknowingly, causing bronchial disorders, and shortness of breath. It is easy for air-borne diseases to spread among all occupants in a building because such diseases can easily be conveyed through the circulated air. Your skin may become dry and flaky, as the moisture is removed from the air. The noise produced when the AC is in operation can serve as a disturbance in very quiet locations, however, this should not be an issue if your air conditioner is functioning properly.

Air Conditioner Repair and Maintenance

AC is part of our lives, and very few buildings can do without them nowadays. To avoid deficiency in the performance of our AC system, we must always ensure it is functioning at its best, and at maximum efficiency. Proper maintenance should be carried out and any faults detected should get be repaired before they develop into larger, more costly problems.

DiBiase Heating and Cooling Company offers the best Air Conditioning service Malvern PA. For almost a decade now, our technicians have been offering amazing services to customers all around Malvern, PA. Contact us today by calling (610) 285-1813 to schedule an appointment.

The Benefits of Oil to Gas Conversion

DiBiase Mascot

If you have oil heat, chances are you’ve given at least some thought to converting to a natural gas boiler or furnace.

But if you’re not yet convinced it’s the right thing to do, well, perhaps the benefits of making that change haven’t been fully explained to you.

Well, for starters, consider the following benefits of oil to gas conversion:

  • Lessens our dependency on foreign sources of oil
  • Natural gas contains about 30% less carbon monoxide than heating and contains no mercury, and that’s good news for the environment
  • Natural gas is available in abundance, unlike crude oil, and that makes gas less prone to pricing unpredictability

That’s the environmental side of the equation. Now let’s see if converting from oil to gas heat makes economic sense:

  • Many local utility companies offer rebates of up to $400 to help offset the expense of your conversion
  • That’s in addition to any other rebates you may be eligible for
  • It simply costs less to heat your home with natural gas
  • The money you save, in combination with available rebates, can pay for your new system in as little as a few years

Does your street have an underground gas main? If so, you’re eligible for heating system oil to gas conversion, even if you don’t already have gas connected to your home. For answers to all your questions and a free in-home consultation and new system quote, contact DiBiase Heating & Air today.

Is Your AC System Correctly Sized?

DiBiase Mascot

Thinking about buying a new or even your first central AC system? Then no doubt you’re wondering, among other factors, just how big and powerful it should be.

Let’s say, for example, that it’s time to replace your current 3-ton system, the one that can barely get your interior to 75 degrees, never mind anything more comfortable than that. In that instance, it’s easy to assume that your system is under-sized and for the kind of comfort you want and need, your next system might have to be bigger still. When, in fact, maybe it was oversized, to begin with, which first led to a gradual decline in efficiency and then its early demise.

We’ll go so far as to say correct system sizing and installations are more important than the brand you purchase. There are plenty of good brand names to choose from, and each of them has “good, better, and best” choices.” But even the best among the best will prove less than satisfying if your system is over-or under-sized.

You see, either way, an incorrectly sized AC system will end up working harder than it needs to meet your temperature demands. An oversized system, for example, will cycle on and off more frequently than it should have to. That leads to added wear and tear, higher energy bills, and a shorter system lifespan.

Equipment under-sizing is no less of a problem as it causes your new system to run longer to properly cool your home. Different mistakes, same end results, and none of them desirable.

Here at DiBiase Heating & Air, we take all factors into account to ensure your system is properly sized. These include:

  • Local climate
  • Size, shape, and orientation of the house
  • Amount and placement of insulation
  • Window area, location, and type
  • Air infiltration rates
  • The number and ages of occupants
  • Occupant comfort preferences
  • The types and efficiencies of lights and major home appliances that give off heat

And that’s just part of the sizing process. So to make sure you get all the AC system you need – no more but no less – contact DiBiase today for a free in-home consultation and a new system proposal. It’s the smart and efficient way to improve your family’s indoor comfort for many years to come.

“Do I have a Furnace or a Boiler?”

DiBiase Mascot

A funny thing frequently happens when we arrive at a customer’s home during the heating season. It starts with being called to come to take a look at their furnace. Nothing funny about that, right? But when we arrive, we discover that the heating system isn’t anchored by a furnace at all, but a boiler instead.

Okay, so maybe that’s not all that funny, but it does help prove one point, i.e., that the vast majority not only of our customers but people around the country call their heating system a furnace, even when it isn’t.

Are you 100% sure which type you have (unless, of course, your home is heated by a ductless air system or heat pump)?

Here’s the basic difference. A furnace heats air and distributes it through your home’s ductwork. A boiler (which can be gas or oil-fired) heats water and distributes the heated water through a network of pipes to your baseboard units, radiators, and in-floor radiant heating system.

Furnaces and boilers are actually profoundly different, so if you’re at or getting to the point of purchasing a replacement heating system, here are a few of those differences worth keeping in mind:

  • A furnace, also known as a forced-air heating system, blows more than warm air through your ductwork and into your living spaces. It also blows around dust, dirt, and other airborne particles. So if you have issues with allergies, asthma, or simply want to minimize the amount of dust that accumulates, a boiler might be your better choice.
  • Furnaces also have filters that have to be cleaned at least quarterly. Boilers often need less maintenance, especially cast iron boilers.
  • The upfront cost of a boiler is typically higher than that of a furnace, and that’s a big reason why furnaces are the more popular choice, and that includes electric furnaces, as well.
  • On the other hand, boilers tend to be more energy-efficient than furnaces, which means reduced utility costs to help compensate for the higher initial purchase price.

As you can see, it’s anything but a “no brainer” when trying to choose between a new furnace or boiler. That’s where we come in: DiBiase Heating & Cooling Company. If you’re in the market for a new heating system, we’ll sit down with you, explain your options, and answer all your questions. Once we’ve determined your individual and family priorities, we’ll recommend what we believe to be your top two or three options, and then help you make your final selection. Contact DiBiase for a free and no-obligation in-home consultation.

4 Benefits of Heating System Preventative Maintenance

DiBiase Mascot

Every year, there’s the first time you flip the switch on your home thermostat to turn on your heating system.

Here in Pennsylvania, people approach this rite of passage in three basic ways. The majority, it seems, don’t even give it a second thought: they flip the switch, the heat comes on – as if there were any other possibilities. Then there’s the eternal pessimist type, the one who espouses Murphy’s Law, i.e. when things can go wrong, they probably will. That way, if the heat doesn’t turn on, it’s to be expected. If it does, score one for the good guys.

Finally, we have the person who knows that their heating system is getting up there in years, and probably should have been looked at by a professional during the off-season just to make sure it had at least one more winter in it. This is a pragmatic way of looking at things, not necessarily expecting the best or the worst, just hoping it turns on to perhaps buying a little more time before being forced to deal with a repair problem.

Which one of those profiles most closely matches yours? Well, hold that thought for a minute as we now demonstrate one way where every personality type can approach “turning on the heating system for the first time” with confidence. And that’s with annual preventative maintenance service performed by the very capable heating pros and DiBiase HVAC.

Here are 5 benefits just waiting to be enjoyed by anyone who partakes of our service:

  1. Fewer if any repairs. While no heating system can or will last forever, preventative maintenance means just that: through annual cleanings and inspections, we can prevent most repairs from ever happening.
  2. Longer system lifespan. The better maintained your heating system – just like your car – the longer it’s going to last. Very simple logic.
  3. Lower heating utility costs. By keeping your heating system in top working order, we can also improve its energy efficiency. That, in turn, results in lower utility costs. And since your heating and cooling systems are the top two energy consumers in your home, the energy savings can be substantial.
  4. Greater safety for you and your family. Safety is always “top of mind” during one of our cleanings and inspections. We look for any signs of a gas or carbon monoxide leak. We also tighten all electrical connections as a deterrent against electrical fires.

Okay, so maybe there’s nothing we can do to make you fall in love with winter. But when it comes to turning on your heating system – and keeping it on – we can help you feel a whole lot more confident, one winter season at a time. Why not call today to schedule service for a boost of confidence all your own. (610) 596-1839