News & Media

DiBiase Mascot

5 House Plants That Can Help Clean Up Your Indoor Air

The cold, dreary days of winter are fast approaching. And what’s left of our green lawns and colorful leaves will soon be covered by a white blanket of snow. But that doesn’t mean you have to wait until next spring to enjoy the beauty of bright and colorful blooms. Here are 6 hardy varieties of […]

DiBiase Mascot

4 Benefits of a Whole-House Humidifier

When winter finally gets here, most of us are happy just to have a heating system that works. Too cold outside? No worries, because it’s toasty warm indoors. The problem is, “toasty warm” isn’t just a nice metaphor, it’s actually a pretty accurate description of climate conditions inside most homes during the winter months. You […]

DiBiase Mascot

4 Benefits of Heating System Preventative Maintenance

Every year, there’s the first time you flip the switch on your home thermostat to turn on your heating system. Here in Pennsylvania, people approach this rite of passage in three basic ways. The majority, it seems, don’t even give it a second thought: they flip the switch, the heat comes on – as if […]

DiBiase Mascot

Consider a Ductless Air System for your 3-Season Room

It’s late August, that time of year when peoples’ thoughts often turn to fall and “that other season” that follows it. Still, you have plenty of time to continue enjoying your 3-season porch or addition until colder temperatures force you to turn back into a mudroom or snow shovel repository until next spring. And yet, […]

DiBiase Mascot

The Benefits of AC Preventative Maintenance, Even in August

When you think about indoor comfort this time of year, chances are you’re thinking about the air conditioning season is starting to wind down and, as a result, how fall and winter can’t be that far behind. We’d like to throw one more thought into your thinking cap if you don’t mind. And it’s this: […]

DiBiase Mascot

The Benefits of a Water Heater Performance and Safety Inspection

Your water heater plays a big role in your family’s household. Not only is it responsible for supplying a steady and sufficient supply of hot water, but it also has the added burden of keeping family members safe from harm. The problem is, it can perform any of its duties without a little help from […]

DiBiase Mascot

Heating & Cooling Services in Paoli and West Chester

How much value do you place on the professionals you’ve engaged and built relationships with? Doctor, dentist, lawyer, accountant, financial planner, and so on. Well, you would do just as well to have a professional heating and cooling company on that same list. Here are just some of the reasons why: You wouldn’t have to […]

DiBiase Mascot

Preventing Household Injuries in Kennett Square and Malvern

For most, home is a source of comfort, that one special place where we feel safe and protected from outside dangers. And yet, did you know that you’re more likely to be injured inside your own home than any other place on the planet? In fact, an average of 21 million annual medical visits in […]