The time has come to tell it like it is: too many homeowners are afraid to have their AC systems professionally serviced for fear that some sort of problem will be reported that will increase the cost of that service.
And so they do nothing, trusting their system to chance and the “hope” that everything will be fine this year because everything was fine last year, and the year before that, and so on.
Take it from someone who knows better: turning the other cheek to annual preventative maintenance is exactly the WRONG thing to do as system neglect is a one-way ticket to potentially serious repair problems, a shorter system lifespan, and higher utility costs.
So what comes next? Nothing is more important to the overall care of your home comfort systems than aligning yourself with a professional contractor you trust absolutely. When that happens, you’ll have no reason to doubt any repair recommendations they might make – following preventative maintenance or any other time, for that matter. Instead, you’ll know that if such a recommendation is made, it’s for real, and in your best interest to get the issue resolved.
Once you’ve found such a home heating and cooling provider, your next best move is to heed their advice, which you already know to be in your best interests. Included in that advice will always be the following: “Have your heating and AC system thoroughly cleaned and inspected once a year, preferably in the spring.”
When you heed that advice, you’ll have your absolute best chance of NEVER experiencing a repair problem. No one can guarantee that, but it’s always the goal. Other benefits you’ll realize from professional maintenance services include the following:
- Longer system lifespan
- Lower utility costs
- More consistent temperatures from one room to another
At DiBiase Heating & Cooling, there’s nothing more important to us than earning and keeping your trust. And there’s only one way to achieve that goal: always put your interests first and do everything in our power to help you enjoy uninterrupted comfort and convenience at the lowest total net cost.
Contact us today at 610-873-1244 to learn more about our approach to customer service and to schedule preventative maintenance for your AC system. Here at DiBiase, we guarantee your 100% satisfaction.